How To

How to install Microsoft Teams on Windows laptops

In this article, I’m going to briefly explain Microsoft Team which is a collaboration and communication platform and it’s part of Office 365 applications developed by Microsoft.
MS Team offered a different variety of features to improve our school’s online learning system to study and collaborate together effectively such as :

Students and Teachers can communicate with each other via chat while they are online.
Students and Teachers can make video and audio conferencing to discuss class materials, homework, and projects.
Students and Teachers are able to make file sharing over an MS Team easily.
last but not least, MS Team offered Classroom facilities such as teams, assignments, and quizzes.
Also, MS Team allows a wide range of third-party applications to integrate with the Microsoft Team platform.

In conclusion, MS teams is a valuable and powerful platform that helps to improve Academy Federal School’s online learning system effectively. with these features, We, ACFS improve collaboration and communication among students and Teachers over the internet.

To install Microsoft Teams on a Windows Laptop, you can follow the steps provided below :

  1. Open a browser such as Firefox or Google Chrome, type, and then type “MS Teams download” in the google search box.

2. click the first link provided in the screenshot below:

3. you will see the Microsoft Team page to download and click “download for desktop”.

4. Click the download button under Teams for work or school. the file will be downloading and require a wait sometimes depending on your internet speed.

5. You could able to found the downloaded file under the Downloads Folder.

6. double click on the “TeamsSetup_c_w_.exe” file.

7. If you get Security Warning as below, click “Run”.

8. Ms teams will be downloading as below screenshot.

9. Once it’s completed, it will display as below and the login page.

10. In order to log in to your account provided by Academy Federal School. Type your username and password in the box like the screenshots below:

if you get similar like below screenshot, click OK.

After a while, your account will be the MS teams like the below screenshot.

I hope this article helps with how to install MS teams on window laptops.

35 thoughts on “How to install Microsoft Teams on Windows laptops”

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